The Roy Keane Bridge

By london_dan Last edited 240 months ago

Last Updated 23 February 2005

The Roy Keane Bridge

Those mischievous Scots, Welsh and Irish have been at it again. When the London Development Agency opened their web poll to name the new "state-of-the-art" footbridge at Wembley, who'd have thought anyone would have hijacked it for their own ends?

But you know, that's exactly what's happened. According to the Evening Standard (so it must be true),

"Thanks to an email campaign, nearly 90 per cent of the 80,000 suggestions that have been put forward so far have been for non-English players."

It seems that the Scots have been voting for Jim Baxter, who helped Scotland beat England nearly 40 years ago, the Welsh have been voting for egg-chaser Scott Gibbs who scored the winning try against the England egg chasers in 1999, and the Irish have been voting for Roy Keane, just for the hell of it.

From an email that's been doing the rounds:

"It's that time of the year again - time for the Irish to play havoc with an online vote. Vote for the new Wembley footbridge to be named the Roy Keane Bridge."

Of course, we all know it's going to be called the Bobby Moore Bridge, whoever wins the on-line poll, but the Londonist would like to put forward the following suggestions:

The Clive Mendonca Walkway
  • The Nicky Wright Flyover
  • And of course, The Wayne Bridge