City Trader In Ping-Pong Crash

By london_euan Last edited 242 months ago

Last Updated 29 November 2004

City Trader In Ping-Pong Crash

ping-pong.jpgLondonist is always keen to hear amusing tales of our more highly paid, sharper dressed fellow Londoners working over in the city, which usually involve paying out an amount equivalent to the Gross Domestic Product of Chile ($156.1 billion, 2002 estimate) on a night out.

Bizarre sporting injuries involving uneven Ping-Pong flooring is however, a first.

A trader at the bank of China pops down to the basement to play a quick game of ping-pong, slips, breaks his leg, has a titanium plate fitted, then gets shipped out to a branch in China to clear cheques.


Richard Yule, chief executive of the English Table Tennis Association believes "This is highly unusual", and he then failed to add "because most City Traders I know are too busy entertaining clients at strip clubs and banging on about how big their bonus is to show any interest in physical activity"

The Londonist would like to point out that it loves its turgid, middle management yawn-fest laughingly referred to as a career and is in no way interested in making fistfuls of cash moving numbers about.