Suspect Football Hooligans Were Actors

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 176 months ago

Last Updated 31 October 2009

Suspect Football Hooligans Were Actors

Image / DeadMansPit
Less floodlights, more Footlights: cops in charge of investigating the violence during West Ham and Millwall's Cup match in September have admitted that images released this week of the suspects included actors from new hooligan-themed film The Firm. It happened after police used screen grabs from a television report to produce the photos, unaware that the report also contained footage from the film. Six of the individuals pictured were "not involved" and "appear to have been taken from a motion picture", said a spokesperson, with remarkable humility. The usual "unreserved apologies" have been offered to the actors involved, but this story throws worrying questions about the force's methodology for catching the suspects. In unrelated news, police have also stated that they are looking to question a fox, described by one PC as a "fantastic" criminal mastermind, about a string of poultry thefts across the capital.