Get Cape. Wear Cape. Enforce Law

By Amanda Last edited 194 months ago

Last Updated 29 April 2008

Get Cape. Wear Cape. Enforce Law

The hard-working men and women of the Met deserve snazzy, comfortable outfits, and who better to help spruce up their uniforms than the fashion forward students at the London College of Fashion? Back in January, we told you about a contest for the fashion students to help redesign the uniforms for the Met. Well, the results are in.

While most changes are small, practical adjustments — for example, giving female officers the option of trousers with a more comfortable, lower waistband — what's getting most of the attention is the police cape. That's right, a modernised take on the Victorian style has been voted the favourite of the contest. The cape is made of the same neon yellow material as the current police jackets, but has a lot more swish.

This spiffy new piece of crime-fighting attire hasn't officially been adopted as part of the uniform yet. The Met is currently reviewing the full police uniform — about 2,000 pieces — and will continue to until about September. But let's hope the day when we shall see fluorescent yellow capes billowing in the wind is not too far off.

Image of the fashion police from fabbio's Flickrstream.