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Nik Kershaw wouldn't let this place go down on him. U2 were not the only ones staring at it. The Beatles saw it coming. Yes, The Sun is popular with musicians. It's also popular with the younger crowd of Clapham, with barely a stool to be eyeballed on a mid-afternoon Saturday visit (the photos here are from a quieter weekday return).

It didn't help that a sizeable pack of Aussie revellers turned up in action slacks, completing a nine-hole game of Pub Golf. Pity the fool whose round it was during that inundation.
Otherwise, this is a splendid, if by-the-book upmarket pub betwixt Old Town and High Street. Tables are crammed in, sparking a lively atmosphere that's the complete opposite of the 'cosy' vibe the pub's website would have you believe.

It's a place to have fun, natter away with mates and tuck into the top-notch food and drink. The wine list is longer than your average pub, while the four draught ales stray close to being interesting. There's a dedicated dining room upstairs, and a beer yard that's the perfect size to accommodate marauding Aussie pub crawlers.

On Facebook. On Twitter as @SunSW4.
Last updated August 2019. Photos below are from 2015.