Ever Wondered What The Tube Map Looks Like In 3D?

By Jordan Waite Last edited 89 months ago

Last Updated 12 September 2017

Ever Wondered What The Tube Map Looks Like In 3D?

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Us Londoners are well versed when it comes to zipping about the city via our twisty network of subterranean tunnels. Running deep beneath our feet, they duck and dive over each other to get us where we need to be — not that you'd realise any of this from looking at a regular tube map, though: it's pretty, well, flat.

So what would the tube map look like if it took into account the subsurface geography of the network?

Thanks to London based visual developer Bruno Imbrizi, we've got a pretty good idea — he's created this beautiful interactive representation of the network. You can twist it, turn it, flip it upside down, shimmy it side to side, admire it from afar or even zoom right in on its guts — just don't try actually navigating with the bloody thing. You might want to stick with Harry Beck's map for that...

It's a great look into the inner workings of our city, and we love how he's made use of predictive TfL data to include 'live' trains passing through the tunnels, too — it's mesmerising to watch, like blood pumping through London's veins. Most surprising, though, is the incredible variation in depth between, and within, the lines. We're all familiar with the concepts of deep level and surface tubes, but a quick play around with this map shows that the line between the two isn't as clear cut as it may seem.

What do you think? It's certainly more impressive than our own cack-handed attempt at a 3D tube map.