The giant arch at Euston station (above) was demolished in the 1960s, to much anger. But it hasn't entirely vanished. Many of the stones have been recovered from an east London waterway, and there are tentative plans to rebuild the structure. The most impressive survivor, though can be found in the National Railway Museum.

These ornate iron gates were saved from destruction, and are now on proud display in the York museum. Alongside, visitors can see another relic from Euston's past. This dedication plaque was for many years on show in the station's Great Hall — another casualty of the 1960s rebuild.

The Great Hall was a sad loss to London's architecture and character. As the plaque attests, it was unrivalled in scale and, as you can see below, almost palatial in its execution.

Sadly, the structure stood in the way of modernisation, and would have hindered the necessary capacity increases of the 1960s. It was torn down along with the arch. The National Railway Museum holds a number of relics, though, including a freestanding clock, the station bell and the statue of George Stephenson seen in the photo above.
Also above, you might just spot another sculptural group between the columns at the back. This too survives, as the crowning glory of the museum's stupendous shed of railway bric-a-brac:

Euston station was entirely rebuilt in a more efficient but less inspiring style. The museum contains one of the architectural models, showing the then-bold development, which now feels very tired.

The station is once again being reworked, and the model above is now out of date. The towers to the left (designed by Richard Seifert — the man behind Centre Point and Tower 42), are under demolition as part of the works for HS2 (and a general station revamp). Some of the trees have also been felled to create a temporary taxi rank.
Other London artefacts at the National Railway Museum
If you're visiting the museum (and you should, for it is superb on every level), keep your eye out for other pieces of London. Here are a few we chanced across.

The National Railway Museum is in York, a 5 minute walk from the station. Entrance is free, but donations are encouraged. Take a look at our guide to spending a weekend in York for other things to do nearby.