A Map Of Sponsored London

By M@ Last edited 100 months ago

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Last Updated 28 October 2016

A Map Of Sponsored London

Been on the Coca-Cola London Eye recently? Looking forward to the BNY Mellon Boat Race? Corporate sponsors, while nothing new, are an increasingly prominent feature of the capital's venues, events and transport schemes. Most recently, it was announced the Sky would have naming rights over one of the 15 gardens on the proposed Garden Bridge (we've had to simplify this on the above map, to fit it in). Meanwhile, it might be argued that a luxury housing development is sneaking its way onto the tube map.

This graphic collects examples into one big corporate map. We seek neither to endorse nor criticise the phenomenon, merely to document its spread. It will be interesting to see how the picture has changed in five or 10 years' time. Will we be traveling on the McJubilee Line to the Londonist Olympic Stadium?

Note: the Siemens Crystal is a bit of an oddball here, in that it was set up by Siemens to show off its own technology, rather than Siemens sponsoring a third party's building. Such 'brand pavilions' are set to become more common, especially in the Royal Docks, so we've included it on the map.

Background image © OpenStreetMap contributors, cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA.