A-Z Pubcrawl: The Best Pubs In Angel

By M@ Last edited 156 months ago

Last Updated 14 February 2012

A-Z Pubcrawl: The Best Pubs In Angel

Last week, we embarked on a half-baked, two-year mission to seek out London's best pubs as voted for by readers of Londonist. We begin with A for Angel. Here's how you voted:

1. The Island Queen (26 votes)
2. The Charles Lamb (22)
3. The Narrowboat (12)
=3. The Angelic (12)
5. The Harlequin (10)
=5. The Mucky Pup (10)
7. The Wenlock Arms (8)
=7. The Old Queen's Head (8)
9. The Albion (7)
10. The Old Red Lion (6)

Voting was completely open-ended, and the definition of 'pubs near Angel' was up to you — this accounts for the prominent inclusion of the Wenlock Arms, which is a fine pub, and would no doubt be even higher if more people considered it close to Angel.

Here's a map of all the recommended pubs in the area. Green pins denote our top four, which will form our pub crawl (see below), yellow pins represent the rest of the top 10, and red pins indicate other nominated pubs.

View Angel Pubs in a larger map

So, now it's time to visit the four best. On 29 February, we'll be heading to (in this order, with approximate times) the Charles Lamb (6.30pm), The Island Queen (7.30pm), The Narrowboat (8.30pm) and the Angelic (9.30pm). Would you like to join us, and visit Angel's four finest pubs in one evening? Drop M@ a line on [email protected] to register interest (so we can keep an eye on numbers). If the group is large, we'll split into smaller groups and stagger arrival times, so as not to overwhelm the bar staff. Hopefully see you there.

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