55 Bishopsgate: Green Light For What Will Be City's Third-Tallest Skyscraper

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 11 months ago

Last Updated 21 July 2023

55 Bishopsgate: Green Light For What Will Be City's Third-Tallest Skyscraper
People standing on a glass viewing platform overlooking the city
The plans feature a little sweetener for the public - a sky-high viewing gallery.

The go-ahead has been given to construct 55 Bishopsgate — a proposed 63-story skyscraper in the City of London.

The City of London Corporation has green-lit the 284-metre-tall construction, which will be a mixed-used building crowned with a 'a biodiverse climate resilient garden', and a public viewing gallery from which, mock-ups suggest, you'll be able to see much of Greater London. Both will be free to access, and likely a result of a Section 106, in which the developer throws little incentives to the authorities/public.

The cluster of City skyscrapers with the added 55 Bishopsgate
55 Bishopsgate will rub shoulders with the likes of Tower 42 and the Cheesegrater.

Described by the City of London Corporation as "a distinct, sustainable and elegant architectural addition to the consolidation of the City Cluster", 55 Bishopsgate will neighbour the likes of Tower 42, and would be shorter than only 22 Bishopsgate, and the under-construction 1 Undershaft, as far as City of London buildings are concerned (The Shard will still remain London's tallest building.)

Our hot take on Arney Fender Katsalidis' design? Certainly not the blandest skyscraper in the Square Mile. Looks a bit like the cockpit of a jet plane on its side. F***ing massive.

A tropical garden under glass high above the city skyline
A 'biodiverse climate resilient garden' is part of the plans.

Not everyone welcomes the latest recruitment to the Square Mile's skyline; Historic England has said the building will impact London's diminishingly historic skyline, by obscuring St Paul's Cathedral as viewed from Waterloo Bridge (the irony not lost on us that 55 Bishopsgate will brag about having stupendous views of St Paul's itself).

The ground portion of the skyscraper - which sits on kind of stilts above the pavement
The skyscraper is touted for completion in 2029.

The demolition of the current building at the address will continue, with construction of 55 Bishopsgate commencing next year, and aiming for completion in 2029.