Women Need to Drink More Beer

By tikichris Last edited 182 months ago

Last Updated 30 April 2009

Women Need to Drink More Beer

BitterSweet Beer Cocktail

Alright ladies! Y’all know you need to drink more beer. It’s good for ya. Or at least, that’s what the folks behind the BitterSweet Partnership wanted us to tell you. The BitterSweet Partnership (full disclosure: it’s a biz set-up by Molson Coors Brewing Company) works to examine and address the relationship between beer and women … and “to make beer a stylish drink for women.” Anyway, last night they invited us along to a beer cocktail tasting and beer/food pairing event at the Red Consultancy’s offices near Piccadilly Circus. Nice one. And yeah, we reckon beer can be as classy as a glass of champers.

What’s this got to do with London? Well, BitterSweet is looking to throw some beer tasting parties and wants your ideas. Take a gander at the BitterSweet website for info about potential events, beer cocktail recipes and tips on how to sip a lager like a lady should. Besides, the very thought of our city being filled with classy women drinking classy beer in a classy way helps us to feel that perhaps the world may one day be a truly better place for all humanity.

Chocolate/Beer Cocktail Photograph by Laurence Borel