A Chance To Visit 10 Downing Street's Garden

By M@ Last edited 15 months ago

Last Updated 17 March 2023

A Chance To Visit 10 Downing Street's Garden
10 Downing Street with a green door

Ballot opens for a chance to see the herbaceous borders of power.

You wouldn't know it from the front, but 10 Downing Street conceals a half-acre garden round the back. This is a green oasis where countless heads of state have admired the roses; where generations of embattled Prime Ministers have sought a few minutes' respite from the heavy business of State.

It's also the place where Boris Johnson and cronies had a big knees-up in breach of Covid rules in May 2020.

Now you can go visit or, at least, you can if you're lucky enough to secure one of the free tickets in this ballot. The access comes courtesy of London Open Gardens who, each June, open the gates to dozens of normally off-limits green spaces around the capital.

This year's event takes place on 10-11 June 2023, with over 100 gardens taking part. Downing Street's lawns would be too popular to open generally, hence a ballot to randomly select just 24 lucky punters. Enter here, and browse the wider programme of gardens here.

Ballot Closes Wednesday 5 April. Winners will be notified by Friday 21 April, and must be aged over 12. Image re-used from our previous article about the time 10 Downing Street had a green door.