Fuzzy Friday News: Pups Are Music Snobs

By Londonist Last edited 194 months ago
Fuzzy Friday News: Pups Are Music Snobs

This might just be an excuse for us to post a cute puppy pic on a Friday, but wouldn't you want to know if your dog hated your taste in music?

At a kennel for seeing-eye dogs in Woodford Green, a caretaker noticed the penned-up pups would calm down when she put on classical music. She tested out different kinds of music, and found the little yappers responded best to classical. Now they let the dogs chill to Mozart and crew around the clock and find that they bark much less when the music's on.

Unless your pup is seriously hyperactive, we doubt you'll be swapping out your choice tunes to please Rover. Though Londonist would definitely support puppy night at the philharmonic.

By Francine Kizner

Image courtesy of It's Greg's Flickrstream.

Last Updated 08 February 2008