Getting Defensive

By Megan Last edited 225 months ago

Last Updated 29 September 2005

Getting Defensive

Can you recommend any good self defence courses? Sometimes when I’m walking home from the pub I wonder if I should be more prepared. -Hannah

A quick search reveals that City Lit offers a 12-week evening course designed to explore "physical and non-physical techniques of self-defence". The cost is £152. There’s also a 1-day class (£40), but it looks like the next one isn’t until summer 2006. Tower Hamlets Lifelong Learning Service runs a 5-week programme for £20. All of these are for women only. Or, if you belong to a gym, check whether it offers defence classes or is affiliated with a teacher in your area. Another resource may be your local police station.

You could also try asking your workplace’s HR department to organise a course; many quality self-defence instructors work on an outcall basis only and gear themselves toward the corporate market. You don’t need to be young and fit to participate, so tell apprehensive co-workers not to worry. The fees vary, but it looks like you can expect to pay around £60 per person, and your office might be willing to subsidise this (obviously more likely at larger companies). Check out Premiere Self Defence or The Safety Box , which offer courses for both women and men.

And not that we’re your mother or anything, but we’ll just remind you that self-defence training will help only minimally if you’re walking home pissed. You might consider a black cab or a licensed minicab to take you on your journey.

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