Dead Man Used His Travel Card

By sizemore Last edited 227 months ago

Last Updated 28 July 2005

Dead Man Used His Travel Card

Lots of stuff happening on the terrorist hunt front. Nine more people have been arrested under anti-terrorism laws in Tooting. Three women in Stockwell were detained on suspicion of harbouring offenders. Yasin Hassan Omar, thought to be the Warren St bomber, was arrested in Birmingham but three other suspects remain at large.

ABC have released pictures of devices found in the car at Luton several weeks ago and shots of the shattered carriages and a new photo of the Shepherd's Bush suspect has been released.

By our count that's around 12 people arrested in less than the last week in the UK although at least one of them has since been released without charge. The LA Times is reporting the arrest of another man in Zambia.

Perhaps most damning is the news that police have told Jean Charles de Menezes' family that he did not jump the barriers at Stockwell and was not wearing a padded unseasonal jacket:

he was wearing a denim jacket and had used his travel card to get through the station

Jon Snow from Channel Four News has a regular email that you can subscribe to here. Yesterday he added a personal commentary to his news roundup:

A day in the life of London, maybe even a commonplace day in the life of a Muslim. I am cycling back from Channel 4 at ten thirty seven this morning past the back of Horse guards parade in line of sight of the back of number 10 Downing Street - suddenly on the edge of the park I notice armed police, four of them, their guns raised surrounding a tall Muslim man with a dark beard.

He is smartly dressed and has a brand new silver coloured camera bag on the ground at his feet. The voices are raised with the guns, in the time that I take to pass the guns lower, the bag is searched, the incident passes, no one seems to notice. Up on the mall a small knot of tourists are looking from a distance. One now normal unreported, maybe unreportable incident and a searing experience for one innocent Muslim man. Which isn't to say that the level of anxiety and tension which prompts such a scene isn't all too understandable.

I am white, crazy-looking on a bike, with a shoulder bag across my back, yet I am not stopped in line of sight of number 10: here lies tonight's central dilemma - do only bag carrying bearded Muslims need to worry about passing public buildings? Soon they will begin to keep away from them and what is shared, what is all of ours, will become places they no longer come to. Not just the pubs where they never might have drank anyway, but now the places that are central to our democracy and our identity...

And another Londoner emails us to say she was sniffed by a sniffer dog on the way into work this morning:

It looked like Columbo's dog!

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