It's Thursday, So It Must Be Blogorama

By london_will Last edited 228 months ago

Last Updated 30 June 2005

It's Thursday, So It Must Be Blogorama

The Londonist Blog Roundup has made it into its second week, which means it has already doubled the length of its anticipated run. The first rule is that there are no rules. The second rule is never talk about Blog Roundup. The third rule is never drink in the pub nearest the station.

It's extraordinary that the first roundup could have passed without mention of two of the capital's very finest blogs, both operating in the fields of design and technology.

The first is City of Sound, Dan Hill's pensive notebook of musings on urbanism and how stuff gets put together. Dan is a backroom boffin at the Beeb, and often has the inside gen on cool stuff happening online and in London. This week he's written about the new Allianz arena in Munich (tied in with their Tate Modern exhibition).

Also this week is a quirky little post about the contents of the Architectural Association's bins.

Another blog in the same sort of area is the brilliant Things Magazine, which was set up by a group from the V&A/RCA. The group's output is, quite simply, stakhanovite - they churn out the most wonderful lists of fascinating links. This week's post, which is by no means atypical, contains musing on automated highway systems, a selection of London Underground map links, and the usual ragbag of fascinating oddments ranging from far and wide - from vintage cameras to Miffy.

Over in 1662, prolific blogger Samuel Pepys is getting bilked by people claiming to be his relatives.

Skipping forward to 2015, Contains Mild Peril has lost his ID Card:

In addition to the standard DNA sample, fingerprint, tongue scan and holographic pound (4.9kg) of penalty flesh, my card contains the following details...

Also in Islington, Shot By Both Sides wants you to listen to this. Londonist nocurs. Thanks, SBBS.