<s>Eenie</s>,Curly <s>Meanie</s>, Larry, Moe...

By sizemore Last edited 230 months ago

Last Updated 29 April 2005

<s>Eenie</s>,Curly <s>Meanie</s>, Larry, Moe...

Londonist just finished watching last night's special edition of BBC One's Question Time in which a live audience grappled with the three main party leaders - if you missed it like we did first time round then there's a web version here (link on the right).

Not quite as entertaining as we wished and The Guardian summed it up pretty well:

The audience toyed with Charles Kennedy, offering applause as well as catcalls as they laid into his tax plans. Getting into their stride, they played rough with Michael Howard over immigration. By the time the prime minister took the stage, they were ready to inflict serious punishment.

Kennedy got off lightly because he comes across as a nice guy and no one really expects to see him in Downing Street, Howard just smiled when he was compared to Hitler and did that thing where he answers questions by not answering them. Blair seemed to have the toughest time because the audience seemed generally concerned about his actions as PM so far and what that suggests for the next four years. Blair was as blunt as some of the questions and at one point managed to sum up the whole pathetic campaign by simply saying "You're either going to have Michael Howard walk into number ten Downing Street or me..."

British politics at the moment is a bit like this morning's Londonist breakfast options - we've got some stodgy porridge oats at the back of the cupboard that we know are never going to get eaten, some evil looking stuff in the fridge that we can't stomach or yesterday's bread - stale but easy and familiar.

Toast it is then.

Alas, there were no lightning strikes in the BBC studio, but we did smile when we saw that Tony's best friend was almost attacked by a cloud yesterday...