Gentrification Worries Over Penge Skyscraper

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 99 months ago

Last Updated 31 March 2016

Gentrification Worries Over Penge Skyscraper

Photo by Geoff Marshall.

It's already happening in Brixton and Peckham — but is Penge the next to be hit by gentrification?

Plans to build Number One Penge, a skyscraper offering office space and homes (90% dubbed 'unaffordable') are causing locals to worry.

There are concerns that the structure — already dubbed locally as 'Stone Penge' — will 'blight' the area with street food vendors, graffiti murals and heavily bearded men on hoverboards.

Estate agents are already noting increases in house prices and rents. "There was a 7% jump in house prices in the immediate aftermath of the skyscraper announcement," said an agent working at Fleece and Plunder on the corner of Maple Road.

Pengeist tried to call in at Foxtons but narrowly missed being blinded by a flying champagne cork, and decided to move on.

Rumours that a combined cupcake bakery and vinyl record store is forcing out Favorite Fried Chicken are yet to be confirmed.

Is this the future of Penge?