Wingit Uncovers New Events, New Places, New Timeline

By Sponsor Last edited 114 months ago

Last Updated 22 December 2014

Wingit Uncovers New Events, New Places, New Timeline

This is a sponsored article on behalf of Wingit.

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Earlier this year we introduced you to Wingit, a handy app that solves the problem of: “where to go next?”

They’ve grown a lot in the last year — launching platforms in Paris and Tel Aviv (alongside their existing platforms in London and New York), becoming available on Android, and now relaunching their timeline for an even slicker user experience. But for those of you who haven’t heard of them yet, here’s an introduction.

If you’re at a loss for what to do in London, sign into Wingit and the clever app will find your location then use an algorithm to scan social media and find out what's going on near you. Whether it’s live music, a pop-up restaurant, street art or just a good old-fashioned knees-up at the pub round the corner, the suggestions are real-time, tailored around your location, and at your fingertips in seconds.

Timeline-iPhone5 ENGAs long as it’s being spoken about on social media, you’ll find it. Although if you have a particular interest, you can use the keyword search to find only events that match your fancy.

You can also post your own recommendations directly to the app, so when you stumble across something great (or unusual, this is London after all), you can share it with your friends. Upload pictures, write words, send private messages, organise meet-ups, and find what’s new — London’s wondrous world is at your fingertips.

The new timeline design incorporates all the details into one single image that fits onto your phone’s screen: date, time, location and information on who’s going. So it’s quicker than ever to get where you want to be.

Wingit is available for both iOS and Android, free to download and use from the App Store and Google Play. Wingit is also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.