Learn Something New This Summer At Bishopsgate Institute

By Londonist Last edited 122 months ago

Last Updated 29 April 2014

Learn Something New This Summer At Bishopsgate Institute

Discover how anti-facists defeated the threat of facism posed by Oswald Mosley in 1930s London: http://ow.ly/vKTmC

Brain feeling lazy? Stimulate your mind with creative, cultural and historical short courses this summer term at Bishopsgate Institute. Coming up soon:

ART GALLERIES: Wish you were more knowledgeable about art? Exploring London’s Art Galleries is a course that explores the National Gallery, Tate Britain and Tate Modern. For each of these, you'll delve into the collections and develop your skills in recognising artistic styles and techniques used in different periods and by a range of individual painters including Rembrandt, Dali, Turner and Rothko. The course runs over five sessions, taking place on Fridays, 6.30-8.30pm. £63-84, prebook, 2-30 May

FASCISM IN LONDON: Cable Street and Fighting Fascism in 1930s London is a two-day course about the defeat of fascism in London during the Second World War. The course focuses on the role played in that battle by individuals and organisations in the East End and includes a guided walk down Cable Street on Saturday 10 May. The two sessions take place on Thursday and Friday, 6.30-8.30pm. £36-49, prebook, 8-10 May

DESIGN INSPIRATION: Find out how Bishopsgate Institute's fabulous library could support your creative project. The Art and Design of Making Trouble is a drawing workshop using radical materials from the archive. Be inspired by the elaborate mastheads of Victorian campaign pamphlets, the Soviet-inspired cover art of the 20th century, anarchist journals or the back-to-basics design of feminist flyers from the 1980s. This is a practical, one-off event taking place on Thursday 8 May. £12-16, prebook, 6.30pm

CINEMA: What was so radical about the film 'Salt of the Earth' that America tried to suppress it? Find out why feminism, racial equality, collectivism and activism caused such a stir in Film Studies: The Radical Film America Tried to Ban. The course is a one-off evening session featuring a screening followed by a discussion. It takes place on Friday 9 May. £12-16, prebook, 6.30pm

There are many more courses and events available, whether you want to learn more about London, explore art and ideas, step into Brazilian Samba or get to grips with languages. Visit their website to find out what's new this summer or download the Summer Prospectus.

Londonist is proud to be the 2014 Media Partner of Bishopsgate Institute.