Fleet: Ice Cream Orchestra, For Your Enjoyment

By Hazel Last edited 182 months ago

Last Updated 30 April 2009

Fleet: Ice Cream Orchestra, For Your Enjoyment

It's rather gloomy and grey today as if we had only dreamed of the sunshine and coat-less past Sunday. Was that our summer? Is it over? We hope not but just in case, we made a little film of a very summery event last weekend, as a reminder of what it's like when it's hot enough to have an ice cream outdoors.

Fleet: Ice Cream Orchestra by Chris Yates and Kelvin Pawsey was a joyful affair, a specially composed piece of music played on the horns of six ice cream vans provided by the nice people at Honours Ice Cream and commissioned for this performance by the Whitechapel gallery. There was free ice cream, there were children entranced by the tinkly sounds, there were adults with big grins on their faces.

You can enjoy the last three minutes of the ten minute piece in our video - but if there's another chance to catch this musical ice cream treat, we will let you know. Because you haven't really had summer until you've been seranaded by six ice cream vans all tinkling at you like Sirens covered in sprinkles and strawberry sauce. Mmmm.