The Sleaziest Little Massage Parlour In Watford

By Rob Last edited 227 months ago

Last Updated 29 July 2005

The Sleaziest Little Massage Parlour In Watford

It's always nice to round off the week with a good '...and finally' type story, and if it involves Barnet, massage parlours and take away food, then so much the better as far as we're concerned.

So here it is then: Watford Borough Council's development control board has agreed to turn the unofficial "sleaziest massage parlour in Watford" into a 'takeaway food outlet'.

Why the Beeb haven't picked up on this story yet, we have no idea.

The twist is that residents and traders on Vicarage road where the 'massage parlour' currently resides actually lobbied against the development.

Now that means it was either a very good, sleazy massage parlour or, as one Barry Russell would have us believe: "a niche retailer would be ideal for this location. Vicarage Road should not be a haven for take away food shops."

Mr Russell also said residents "feared a takeaway would create bad smells, noise and disturbance".

What? Worse smells and noise than a 'massage parlour'?

Councillor Tariq Chohan is quoted as saying: "The way I see it, it has to be better than its current operation."

Nominations for the now vacant position of 'Watford's Sleaziest Massage Parlour' are currently being accepted by the council.